介绍:MAP-200807-【Wet Party Planner】-JoeGillis-LeoGrin 下载到电脑再解压
介绍:MAP-080501-【Double Take】-MangiattiTwins-JayRoberts 下载到电脑再解压
介绍:电影名:Striptease 脱衣舞 截止2021年1月8日共有3088人对《脱衣舞娘》评分,豆瓣评分6.1分。 艾琳·格兰特(黛咪·摩尔 Demi Moore饰),一位因没有稳定工作和收入而失去女儿抚养权的单身妈妈。深爱着女儿的艾琳,不想把女儿留给无赖前夫达雷尔·格兰特(罗伯特·帕特里克 Robert Patr...
介绍:影片的主角是一个肥胖的女人,自认为是“世界上最污秽”的人,她可以把在肉店偷来的肉塞进yin道,也可以把地上的狗屎放进嘴里咀嚼。 影片的另一个主角是一对同样变态的夫妇,这对夫妇专门强迫被绑架的妇女受孕,然后将出生的孩子卖给别人。影片就在双方不可避免的冲突中展开,最后,胖女人赢得了胜利,解放了那些被关押的妇女,又枪决了这对夫妇。
介绍:剧情简介(自行翻译): This scientific experiment got out of hand! The beautiful scientist tried to mutate the human genome with squid genes and accidentally created a monster from the deep. The terrifying monster obeyed The Call of Cunthulhu and delivered some love crafted exactly for the scientist's asshole. The fragile beauty was forced to swallow its huge dick and cum as black as ink. She created the insquidious evil and with fate much worse that she could have ever imagined.
介绍:剧情简介(自行翻译): The long-lost tribe of wild women. These are the legendary Amazons, untamed beasts. They hunt men and use them only to satisfy their needs. The pack is obediently following the horrifying queen, who rules with a hard hand and an always hungry pussy. Amazons only live for hunting and sex. Anyone unlucky enough to get caught by them is doomed forever.
介绍:剧情简介(自行翻译): Far away in a deep deserted forest, there is a dark place where the human suffering was born. A terrible beast lurks there, a crazy twisted man which is taken young beautiful girls and keeps them hostage in his cottage in the woods. They are being imprisoned, tortured and serve as the mean for satisfying his bizarre appetites. You have no idea how thrilling it is to have the absolute power over beautiful girls who lost even the last spark of hope. Love does not come to this place, only pain. The kinky 4K fantasy is out there, waiting for you.
介绍:反X战警的美国参议员,则极力要促成政府将这些所谓超人控管,并煽动人类与战警之间的冲突。 X教授(拥有举世最强的心电感应能力)不愿见到冲突扩大,所以集合充满正义感的X战警,希望能藉由X战警保护人类免受邪恶战警的威胁,进而能让人类接受X战警与其他善良的特异人士。 X战警小组成员包括:独眼龙(X战警的队长,可由两眼射出致命雷射光)、琴葛蕾(有心电感应、隔空取物,及瞬间移动的能力)、 R暴风女(X战警的副队长,拥有控制气候的能力)与ˉ小淘气(有着经由身体接触就能吸收对方记忆与能力的特异功能)是X战警的核心人物。他们队上来了新伙伴: 金钢狼(拥有超强的回复能力,两腕上有超合金的金钢爪)是个脾气暴躁,几乎不受控制的变种人,使X战警内部危机四伏… X教授的死对头,万磁王(具有操纵磁场的超强能力)所率领的邪恶战警包括魔形女(可复制形体)、癞虾蟆(拥有超强弹力与附着力,以及长舌)、R大钢牙(拥有超人力量、坚硬如钢的爪牙与超回复能力)等,它们亟欲统治全世界,与X战警之间的征战当然会越演越烈……。 而誓死保卫人类的X战警,将会发现他们在尽力保卫人类之时,人类也对他们也产生了极大的恐惧,双方关系渐渐紧绷。再加上X战警得面对金钢狼一触即发的脾气,与万磁王的到处杀戮,X战警陷入了进退两难的重重危机中……。