介绍:臭名昭著,很显然永远不会老的伊莎又重出江湖了。1953年的西伯利亚,伊莎监管着简陋的古拉格集中营,改造异己。斯大林死后,集中营关闭,伊莎逃往到蒙特利尔,开了家妓院。但是以前的囚犯Yakurin幸存,并在1977年与她偶遇…… 挺有意思个故事,穿越,最后在雪地里烧钱取暖,清明看的啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊 纳粹女魔头4部曲第三部《西伯利亚母虎 》,居然跟斯大林都扯上关系了。这一集伊莎露胸镜头好多,确实是一对豪乳啊,还有3P戏,比较给力。Erotic adventure in Siberia.
介绍:1977年法国惊悚片。一列满载军妓的列车要开往前线,表达希特勒对正在前线战斗军官的慰问。而列车的指挥官是性忌、残忍的艾莎,艾莎的前一情人法罗斯爱上了列车上另一个军妓,而军妓身份特殊,她竟是法国游击队的间谍,而法罗斯亦恢复良知,他带动游击队们攻下列车,但结局终有不尽人意的地方…… Description: In the last days of the Third Reich to uplift the spirit of German SS officers was sent to the front part of hardcore girls-German. Directs the operation sadist Elsa.
介绍:又名Convoi de filles,À l'Est de Berlin / Convoy of Girls / East of Berlin / SS Nazi Convoy。 The German officer Erich von Strasser meets the beautiful Renata at an officer's party. The woman and her father are in trouble because they are hiding a Jewish girl in the house. When Renata is sent to the eastern front with a group of women, Von Strasser decides to save her. Eric, a brilliant young German officer, is transfered back to Berlin. His superior officer tells him about his new assignment on the Russian front and then invites him to a luxurious villa. Gathered in the mansion are the most beautiful women: the army's special services could enroll for the pleasure of its returning heroes.Eric is stupefied to recognize Renata among the women, who are all ready and willing to make love with any officer present. Not many years ago,while still students, Renata and Eric had been very much in love.After making love in a room put at their disposal, Renata tells him that she had no choice but to accept joining the army as an official camp follower: her father's survival depended on it. The following morning, Renata leaves in a special women's convoy for Eastern front where they are scheduled to entertain hard-pressed officers and men. Will Eric and Renata's love survive those adventures? 类似纳粹军妓类电影。
介绍:一部反映纳粹时期,鲜为人知的军妓生活纪实故事电影。精彩纷呈。不容错过,欧洲电影史上第一次揭露二战纳粹鲜为人知的军妓故事…… 一群貌美如花的妙龄女郎,由于各种原因被汇聚到纳粹集中营里。面对战火中如狼似虎的男人,她们或及时行乐,或肆意纵情,或忍辱偷生,或激烈抗争,或心情目的……不同的态度,相同的境遇,长夜漫漫,苦海无边,最终等待她们的命运将会是什么?
介绍:为了进一步控制纳粹军官的目的,纳粹特派了一批对纳粹思想和信念都无比坚定而又年轻美貌的女子,把他们训练成淫荡的妓女,专供那些纳粹军官淫乐,但这些妓女又是纳粹特工,专门负责收集那些军官的心里话,从而辨别军官的忠诚度。玛葛塔,一位中产阶级的女儿,也加入这个队伍,起先她对纳粹思想信仰无比,后来她逐渐明白了纳粹的本质,于是她奋起反抗,一手毁灭了以韦伯格为首的一套纳粹监视系统。 巴拉斯《罗马帝国艳情史》之前拍摄的作品,被认为有被低估之嫌。影片描述了二战期间,一个叫凯蒂的女人在德国开了一家妓院,表面是纳粹特工们将那些效忠希特勒的年轻美妙女子训练成供纳粹军官们消遣淫乐的性玩具,实际上是为了在枕边收集情报,以对军官的忠诚度进行测试,从而向希特勒告密进而获取权利。一个叫玛格瑞塔的女子却因为真挚爱情的警醒,逐渐发现了纳粹们的阴谋,在凯蒂夫人的帮助下,最终揭发出背后实质。 2010年12月27日由意大利情色大师丁度-巴拉斯执导的《凯蒂夫人》虽饱含争议,但从捧得柏林电影节金熊奖这一点来看,该片仍不失为一部佳片。本片2010年底发行了蓝光版。这部电影比起该导演其他情色作品,最大特点是在卖弄肢体诱惑的同时,讲述了一个完整而且似乎有内涵的故事。影片中有大开眼界的情色场面,美工也颇有看头。但两小时的长度过于冗长,杜琳等实力派演员为影片增添了一丝“严肃”的色彩,防止它沦为地道的色情片。
介绍:A beautiful American doctor imprisoned in a Nazi concentration camp uses her skill to save the life of an SS officer, who falls in love with her. However, a sadistic female SS officer considers him her personal property, and has no compunction about using her riding crop to whip, beat and torture to make sure it stays that way. 很是经典的法国的电影,里边美女如云!
介绍:方洁莹(王小凤饰)任职澳门一家豔舞团的公关主任,生活平静谐和。一日,五汉进舞厅看豔舞,此五汉正是杀死洁莹爸爸之凶手,他们与洁莹发生冲突。洁莹下班路上,遭五汉拦截,将她拖进坟场轮奸。经此劫后,洁莹染上性病,新仇旧恨,让她决心要报仇。在来港寻仇的船上,洁莹邂逅了记者萧小豪(王霄饰)。为求生计,洁莹到酒吧求职,遇到姐姐前男朋友周俊雄(林正英饰),在酒吧员工苏珊(薛芷伦饰)帮助下,周收留洁莹暂当女侍应。某日,洁莹和苏珊上班时,洁莹巧遇五汉之一,苏珊诱入,施计杀之。后洁莹假扮保险公司职员,再杀另一仇人,但失手。此后,四汉提高警觉,追寻洁莹下落。洁莹幸得周之协助,与四汉展开连串火爆的血战。 中国版我唾弃你的坟墓。。。
介绍:又名:Emanuelle - Perché violenza alle donne?/Emanuelle Around the World,女主标准的美女,身材爆好! 史上最牛逼的三级片系列:黑色艾曼纽系列,一共12部,此为第六部! Emanuelle Around the World (Emanuelle - Perché violenza alle donne?), also known as The Degradation of Emanuelle and Emanuelle Versus Violence to Women, is a 1977 sexploitation film by Italian director Joe D'Amato, starring Laura Gemser and George Eastman. The film was one of the most expensive films ever made in Italy at that time, not just in cast but in locations. The filming was done in many countries; Hong Kong, Iran, India, America and in a studio in Italy. It features a notable cast, including Gemser, Karin Schubert, Ivan Rassimov and Eastman.