
呀呀发布于 2023-11-09 07:19:54



Marino Girolami(导演)/Edwige Fenech(主演)/意大利/1975/喜剧

介绍:A telegram has just arrived ant the Persichette home in Italy. It seems that their late grandfather's second wife, Maria Juana, is traveling from Venezuela to Italy to visit her stepson and two grandchildren. The youngest of the boys is given the task of picking up grandma at the airport. Expecting an aged widow, he is stunned , amazed and aroused by the incredible beauty that awaits him.




介绍:电影名:Police Academy 警察学校 金牌警校军 学警出更 截止2019年11月22日共有5146人对《警察学校》评分,豆瓣评分7.9分。 某市女市长突发奇想,下令不计教育背景、工作经历等,适龄的年轻人都可以报考警校。一时间,西班牙口音的花花公子乔治、擅长口技的乔维、懦弱的胖子巴巴拉、不爱红装爱武装的汤普森(金•凯特罗尔 Kim Cattrall 饰),以及被父亲好友里德上尉强制塞进警校的惹事泊车仔马哈尼(斯蒂夫•古根伯格 Steve Guttenberg 饰)等人涌向警察学院。与此同时,警校方面痛感严格传统的丧失,拉萨德校长令哈里和卡拉汉两教官在接下来的14周时间内对学员严加训练。这班背景各异的学员绝不是省油的灯,从武器痴迷者到夜夜化妆进入女寝寻欢的大情人无所不有,哈里少尉从学员中选出两人担任班长以配合自己的铁血教育,然而这一切都无法阻止一心求被开除的马哈尼的恶作剧……




介绍:电影名:Dracula 2000 神鬼大反扑 够僵人魔 吸血鬼2000 德古拉2000 截止2019年11月21日共有1489人对《德古拉2000》评分,豆瓣评分6分。 故事从很久很久之前的远古时代就已经开始了,温西森是一个非常非常古老的家族,在家长马修(克里斯托弗·普卢默 Christopher Plummer 饰)的领导下,他们牢牢的控制着凶恶狡诈的吸血鬼一族,阻止他们在人间作恶伤人。这样的平衡一直持续到了新千年,直到以马库斯(欧玛·艾普斯 Omar Epps 饰)为首的盗窃团伙潜入了温西森家族的老宅。 盗贼们偷走了看似珍贵的陪葬品,却也在无意之间解开了加在吸血鬼一族身上数千年的诅咒,吸血鬼素心了,人类的末日即将来临。面对如此危机的情况,温西森家族重新回到了久违的战场,面对他们的就对手。然而,这一次,在长久的禁锢之下,这群吸血鬼们变得更加邪恶,更加凶残。




介绍:电影名:Lola Montès 倾国倾城欲海花 萝拉蒙蒂斯 罗拉业角 马戏团尤物 The Sins of Lola Montes 劳拉·蒙特斯 截止2019年11月3日共有1215人对《劳拉·蒙特斯》评分,豆瓣评分7.7分。 萝拉·蒙蒂斯是19世纪欧洲贵族的宠妓,在马戏团里兜售自己的艳史,这似乎是她为放纵付出的代价。这是奥菲尔的最后一部电影,影片以此作为框架,用闪回拼贴的方式表现箩拉巡回欧洲各国表演记忆,尤其她与巴伐利亚的路德维系国王以及作曲家李斯特之间的关系。




介绍:电影名:Senso 战地佳人 战国妖姬 截止2019年11月1日共有1383人对《战国妖姬》评分,豆瓣评分7.3分。 这部极为豪华的古装剧以1866年春天,意大利和奥地利发生冲突前夕为历史背景。描写了一名意大利贵族妇女Countess Serpieri ,背叛自己的婚姻和国家,不顾一切爱上了俊美而乖戾的奥地利军官Lieutenant Franz Mahler,两人爱得轰轰烈烈,但时代已经发生巨变,最终酿成悲剧。




介绍:整部影片用倒带一样的叙述方式,不断往前追溯,令人感到宿命的不可逃避。   爱里克斯(莫妮卡•贝鲁齐 Monica Bellucci饰)亮丽性感,独自行走在城市的地下道,却被酒醉的歹徒盯上。歹徒残忍的对她强暴施虐,让她美丽的脸庞变得血肉模糊。于是, 她的服了摇头丸的男友马尔克什(文森特·卡塞尔 Vincent Cassel 饰),带着朋友闯进各式各样的酒吧,寻找凶手报仇。他们意识接近失控,举起灭火筒猛砸疑凶脑袋。   然而,就在这些血腥的事件之前,爱里克斯和男友过着幸福生活,他们感情甜腻,爱里克斯腹中还有了男友的孩子。然而,在接下来的12个小时里,所有的线索,都不可撤消的把爱里克斯引向了那个噩梦般的深渊。



王家卫/米开朗基罗·安东尼奥尼/史蒂文·索德伯格(导演)/巩俐/张震/克里斯托弗·巴克霍尔兹/Regina Nemni(主演)/意大利/中国香港/美国/法国/卢森堡/英国/2004/剧情/爱情

介绍:电影名:Eros 爱神之手 Eros 截止2019年10月28日共有27574人对《爱神》评分,豆瓣评分7.6分。 该片是一部三段式主题(爱和性)电影,由米开朗基罗•安东尼奥尼(《危险临界点》)、史蒂文•索德伯格(《平衡》)和王家卫(《手》)三位导演联合执导。 《手》讲的是1960年代的香港,年轻的裁缝(张震)多年不计回报地爱着交际花华小姐(巩俐)的故事,影像华丽,充满了质感又略带伤感。《平衡》的故事发生在1950年代的纽约,广告人尼克•彭罗斯(罗伯特•唐尼)总是被春梦困扰,只得向他的心理医生珀尔(阿兰•阿金)求助,基调虽荒谬反常,却也可看成颇有自嘲意味的幽默喜剧。《危险临界线》则仍是安东尼奥尼一向关注的现代社会中的男女关系主题,哲学味道浓烈。



Alan Colberg(导演)/John Holmes/Sharon Thorpe/勒思里·波薇(主演)/美国/1976/惊悚

介绍:电影名:Tapestry of Passion 私家侦探约翰尼我让 · 奥斯本聘请调查谋杀她的弟弟汤姆。约翰尼很快发现罪魁祸首是自称黑寡妇的女人经营地下 S & M 俱乐部。浸润性俱乐部,约翰尼设下陷阱邪恶的施虐狂只是在警察到来的时候。 Veteran director Bob Chinn gets credit, albeit likely more for his role as creator of the Johnny Wadd character and series than any actual input to the film in question. With the always stunning Leslie Bovee given a run for her money by the equally gorgeous Annette Haven, pretty Desiree West and even Thorpe’s Halloween dress-up domme providing sufficient aesthetic focus, the film is possessed of a more appropriate streetwise feel than the fairly iffy lead feature. Suffused with mood lighting and 70’s cop show trope and feel, Colberg graduates from the more static VFW Hall and hotel room filming of All Night Long to a far more location heavy, clearly cinematographic and more highly budgeted affair playing into and lending sufficient weight to Wadd’s tracking down of “sex ritual murderer” the “Black Widow”. With similar elements to other Wadd pictures such as the Jade Pussycat or the Danish Connection, Colberg directs the film in a nearly unrecognizably different fashion from the goofy (if peopled with numerous fairly attractive ladies) All Night Long. Unlike the earlier feature, this is primo porno chic, with lush, aesthetic locales and elegant decor – marble fireplaces, oriental rugs, beveled glass, ornately carved doorways, oak flooring, hanging plants and tapestries and a whole lot of plot to keep the audience going between the more prurient sequences. Jean Osborne (Leslie Bovee) employs John Holmes‘ doofy Wadd to bring to justice the murderer of kinky brother Tom (John Leslie). Complicating matters is Leslie’s even more attractive (and quite fashionable) wife Pat (Annette Haven), who wants the matter dropped, and the wife of another victim, Cindy Benton (Desiree West again, looking even more appealing this time around) who wants no part of the investigation. And then there’s the matter of the kinky murderess herself… But when Wadd’s on the case, all the ladies must submit, and he always manages to (ahem) come out on top, in the end (cough). As with other Wadd films, there’s a strong focus on location footage and ostensible detective work, with only a complete absence of car chases and fistfights (and the obvious presence of hardcore elements) separating Holmes’ efforts from those of more mainstream private eye epics of the time. It’s damn good, and even holds up to some extent on a detective show level (well, so long as you retain tongue firmly in cheek, that is).


淫欲的代价 Le prix de la luxure

Mikael d'Angelo, Marc Dorcel(导演)/Laure Sainclair, Matalana, Eva Falk(主演)/法国/1997/剧情

介绍:少妇劳拉撞见老公约翰偷情,羞愤万分,她僱佣了一个淫荡的女巫马特拉娜,愿付出极大代价,替她复仇。同时也希望女巫能施法让老公回心转意。不料这个女巫不仅骗财骗色,玩弄劳拉於指掌之间,更覬覦她老公约翰的财產,几乎让劳拉家破人亡…… A young Frenchwoman discovers that her husband is cheating on her. She hires a lustful sorceress to enact vengeance. After putting her husband under a spell, the woman discovers that she can command her husband to do what she wishes. Written by



Claude Bernard-Aubert(导演)/Jean-Pierre ARMAND, Alban CERAY, Veronique DELAISSE, Lucie DOLL, ELODIE, Sophie GUERS, France LOMAY, Cathy STEWART, Brigitte VERBECQ(主演)/法国/1980/冒险/剧情

介绍:电影名:Croisières pour couples en chaleur 纪尧姆租了一个与他的妻子和他们的“情妇马丁多米尼克船屋。在晚上,纪尧姆讲故事,让他们睡觉。在他们的假日巡航沿运河,他们遇见了几个字,‘乐趣’EM每次-女人锁,自行车上的人跳入运河这宝贝波在他们一个天使,一个可爱的人,电梯从桥上一个美女似乎是一个修女,直到她黑暗的尼龙和吊索披露。最终,Martine带来M. Lé在船上和影片的结束,一个fuckfest。 Guillaume rents a house-boat with his wife Dominique and "their" paramour Martine. In the evening, Guillaume tells stories to put em to sleep. On their holiday cruise along a canal, they meet several characters and have 'fun' with em every time - the woman lock keeper, a angel on a bike who plunges into the canal as this babe waves at em, a cutie who hitches a lift from a bridge and a beauty who appears to be to be a nun, until her dark nylons and suspenders are disclosed. Eventually, Martine brings M. Léon on board and the film ends with an fuckfest.
