非常值得观看,细节拉满 满满的都是爱
- 导演:
- 何志强
- 主演:
- 朱刚 / 麦德罗 / 欧瑞伟
- 电影剧情:
- 语言: 汉语普通话 / 粤语 又名: 黑太阳731完结篇死亡列车 / Men Behind the Sun 3: A Narrow Escape / Maruta 3 ... Destroy all Evidence / Narrow Escape 片长:01:33:25 片长:01:33:37 黑太阳731之死亡列车的剧情简介 · · · · · · 哨声中,731部队本部在广场上集合,参谋官宣布全体紧急撤退,离去前要销毁一切731的秘密及痕迹。试验室中,伊东在毁坏细菌温床时,划破手而被感染。秋山扶着他跟其他人一样上了唯一逃亡的列车,在开动着的列车内伊东及女医官司都病重,细菌不断在扩散,引起一片惊慌,这列车已成为死亡列车了。
- 导演:
- François Jouffa / Francis Leroi
- 主演:
- Наталья Щукина / Оксана Арбузова / Евгения Крюкова / Francis Leroi
- 电影类型:
- 喜剧
- 电影剧情:
- В бурлящую политическими событиями Россию конца 80-х приезжает известный киноклассик из Франции, чтобы устроит кастинг среди русских девушек для участия в эротическом фильме. При этом он сталкивается с советской действительностью и атрибутами гласности и зачатками демократии в начавшей раскрепощаться стране. В фильме показано много обнаженного тела с участием российских актрис, а также ностальгирующие сцены российской жизни времен перестройки.
- 导演:
- Antonio Bonifacio
- 主演:
- 密莱勒·班蒂 / Andy J. Forest / Mary Lindstrom / Daniele Stroppa / Roxana Cox / 索菲娅·维维安妮 / Franco Citti / 玛丽娜·海德曼
- 电影类型:
- 惊悚
- 电影剧情:
- Gianni is a political man with a good career waiting for him. Angela is his wife and she fakes an assault and a rape in a cinema. Eva is Gianni's lover and Angela's friend. Gianni and Eva decide to use the pretext of the assault to kill Angela. Later on Angela is blackmailed by a man who was present at her act. In the background there are Rosy, her maid always present, and a puzzling man who appears and disappears and makes strange phone calls.
- 导演:
- Alan Colberg
- 主演:
- John Holmes/Sharon Thorpe/勒思里·波薇
- 电影类型:
- 惊悚
- 电影剧情:
- 电影名:Tapestry of Passion 私家侦探约翰尼我让 · 奥斯本聘请调查谋杀她的弟弟汤姆。约翰尼很快发现罪魁祸首是自称黑寡妇的女人经营地下 S & M 俱乐部。浸润性俱乐部,约翰尼设下陷阱邪恶的施虐狂只是在警察到来的时候。 Veteran director Bob Chinn gets credit, albeit likely more for his role as creator of the Johnny Wadd character and series than any actual input to the film in question. With the always stunning Leslie Bovee given a run for her money by the equally gorgeous Annette Haven, pretty Desiree West and even Thorpe’s Halloween dress-up domme providing sufficient aesthetic focus, the film is possessed of a more appropriate streetwise feel than the fairly iffy lead feature. Suffused with mood lighting and 70’s cop show trope and feel, Colberg graduates from the more static VFW Hall and hotel room filming of All Night Long to a far more location heavy, clearly cinematographic and more highly budgeted affair playing into and lending sufficient weight to Wadd’s tracking down of “sex ritual murderer” the “Black Widow”. With similar elements to other Wadd pictures such as the Jade Pussycat or the Danish Connection, Colberg directs the film in a nearly unrecognizably different fashion from the goofy (if peopled with numerous fairly attractive ladies) All Night Long. Unlike the earlier feature, this is primo porno chic, with lush, aesthetic locales and elegant decor – marble fireplaces, oriental rugs, beveled glass, ornately carved doorways, oak flooring, hanging plants and tapestries and a whole lot of plot to keep the audience going between the more prurient sequences. Jean Osborne (Leslie Bovee) employs John Holmes‘ doofy Wadd to bring to justice the murderer of kinky brother Tom (John Leslie). Complicating matters is Leslie’s even more attractive (and quite fashionable) wife Pat (Annette Haven), who wants the matter dropped, and the wife of another victim, Cindy Benton (Desiree West again, looking even more appealing this time around) who wants no part of the investigation. And then there’s the matter of the kinky murderess herself… But when Wadd’s on the case, all the ladies must submit, and he always manages to (ahem) come out on top, in the end (cough). As with other Wadd films, there’s a strong focus on location footage and ostensible detective work, with only a complete absence of car chases and fistfights (and the obvious presence of hardcore elements) separating Holmes’ efforts from those of more mainstream private eye epics of the time. It’s damn good, and even holds up to some extent on a detective show level (well, so long as you retain tongue firmly in cheek, that is).
天堂之囚 Prisoner of Paradise
- 导演:
- Bob Chinn, Gail Palmer
- 主演:
- John Holmes / Seka / Sue Carolv
- 电影剧情:
- 在第二次世界大战在菲律宾附近南太平洋的小岛,两名美国军队护士,卡萝尔和格洛丽亚,被俘在纳粹集中营。的基地是由汉斯 · 冯 · Shlemel 和他的两个助手,伊尔莎和葛丽泰跑的。日本也有助于通过与日本女保安塑科提供营地。的美国乔 · 穆雷徒劳地试图打破,救护士。汉斯 · 冯 · Shlemel 惩罚乔因他性服务葛丽塔和被强奸由伊尔莎。唉,这使得苏柯渴求乔和他使用,来勾引她和火他的出路与护士。 During World War 2 in a south pacific island near the Philippines, two American army nurses, Carol and Gloria, are being held captive in a Nazi camp. The base is ran by Hans von Shlemel and his two assistants, Ilsa and Greta. The Japanese also help by supplying the camp with the Japanese female guard Suke. The American Joe Murray tries in vain to break in and rescue the nurses. Hans von Shlemel punishes Joe by having him servicing Greta sexually and getting raped by Ilsa. Alas, this makes Suke lust for Joe and he uses that to seduce her and fire his way out with the nurses.
第三帝国最后的纵欲 L'ultima orgia del III Reich
- 导演:
- 凯撒·卡勒瓦尼
- 主演:
- Adriano Micantoni / 丹妮埃拉·波吉 / 玛丽斯德拉·格雷科
- 电影剧情:
- 第二次世界大战期间,德军司令官康拉德是一个性虐待狂,他采取各种方法拷打所有女性······